Motives, mapping class groups, and monodromy in Lanzarote
February 24th - 28th
Hotel Costa Calero Thalasso & Spa
Organized by Greg Baldi and Javier Fresán
Scientific program: Greg Baldi, Javier Fresán, Josh Lam, Aaron Landesman, Daniel Litt
Generously sponsored by Baldi’s ANR-HoLoDiRibey of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
- Yves André
- Greg Baldi
- Paul Brommer-Wierig
- Anna Cadoret
- Javier Fresán
- Franco Giovenzana
- Giada Grossi
- Peter Jossen
- Bruno Klingler
- Jef Laga
- Josh Lam
- Aaron Landesman
- Carlos Matheus
- Yilin Ni
- Ania Otwinowska
- Federico Scavia
- David Urbanik
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
10:00-11:00 | Talk 1 | Talk 5 | Talk 9 | Talk 11 | Talk 15 |
11:30-12:30 | Talk 2 | Talk 6 | Talk 10 | Talk 12 | Talk 16 |
12:30-14:30 | Lunch Break | ||||
14:30-15:30 | Talk 3 | Talk 7 | Free afternoon | Talk 13 | Talk 17 |
16:00-17:00 | Talk 4 | Talk 8 | - | Talk 14 | Q&A Session |
17:00-18:00 | - | Q&A Session | - | - | - |
19:00 Onwards | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner | Dinner |
Talk-by-Talk Program
Day 1
- Talk 1: Introduction/overview of the main topics. Local systems on curves and MCG-finiteness, isomonodromy, braid groups. [L24]
- Talk 2: Isomonodromic Deformations, Painlevé VI and their algebraic solutions.
- Talk 3: A survey of non-abelian Hodge theory.
- Talk 4: Motivic and rigid local systems. The middle convolution algorithm [K].
Day 2
- Talk 5: Beauville’s work [B], and geometric local systems on the projective line minus four points [LL23b].
- Talk 6: Work of Esnault-Groechenig [EG18] on cohomologically rigid local systems.
- Talk 7: Work of Corlette and Simpson [CS].
- Talk 8: Étale local systems, relative Fontaine--Mazur, after Liu--Zhu [LZ], Petrov [P]. Constructing abelian varieties from rank 2 Galois representations [ST, KYZ].
Day 3
- Talk 9: Putman-Wieland conjecture [PW, LL23a].
- Talk 10: [LL24b, Theorem 1.2.5] - statement, corollaries.
Day 4
- Talk 11: Proof of the above theorem.
- Talk 12: [LL24a, Theorem 1.2.1] - statement, corollaries, setting.
- Talk 13: Proof of the above.
- Talk 14: Introduction to [LLL23] and Theorem 1.1.2 thereof.
Day 5
- Talk 15: Proofs from [LLL23].
- Talk 16: p-curvature I: overview and conjecture from [LL25].
- Talk 17: p-curvature II: linear and non-linear differential equations.
- [B]: Beauville. Les familles stables de courbes elliptiques sur P^1 admettant quatre fibres singuli`eres.
- [CS]: Corlette and Simpson. On the classification of rank two representations of quasiprojective fundamental groups
- [EG18]: Esnault and Groechenig. Rigid connections and F-isocrystals
- [K]: Katz. Rigid local systems
- [KYZ]: Krishnamoorthy, Yang, and Zuo. Constructing abelian varieties from rank 2 Galois representations
- [LL23a]: Landesman and Litt. An introduction to the algebraic geometry of the Putman-Wieland conjecture
- [LL23b]: Lam and Litt. Geometric local systems on the projective line minus four points
- [LLL23]: Lam, Landesman, and Litt. Finite braid group orbits on SL_2-character varieties
- [LL24a]: Landesman and Litt. Canonical representations of surface groups
- [LL24b]: Landesman and Litt. Geometric local systems on very general curves and isomonodromy
- [LL25]: Lam and Litt. Algebraicity and integrality of solutions to differential equations
- [L24]: Litt. Motives, mapping class groups, and monodromy
- [LZ]: Liu and Zhu. Rigidity and a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for p-adic local systems
- [PW]: Putman and Wieland. Abelian quotients of subgroups of the mappings class group and higher Prym representations
- [P]: Petrov. Geometrically irreducible p-adic local systems are de Rham up to a twist
- [ST]: Snowden and Tsimerman. Constructing elliptic curves from Galois representations